Posts now have a voting and multi-feed feature!

March 26, 2024
Elevate your team and community with enhanced interaction and participation through Web3.

We've introduced new features to "Posts" - a space for exclusive communication accessible only to Membership NFT holders. Now, you can easily create polls and surveys on your Clubs posts with "Voting". Additionally, the multi-feed functionality allows for consolidating all information in one place, enabling users to create more special and useful clubs.



This feature has a positive impact on the brand and customer engagement. According to Forbes, there are 15 direct benefits that polls have on the creator’s image. Ranging from getting real-time feedback to connecting to the audience more naturally, there are plenty of use cases for polls.

However, on the Web3 ecosystem having a poll feature implies more than a mechanism to generate brand engagement, it is an unchangeable and public channel to manage governance proposals. Wow, wait what? For teams and communities who need to become more familiar with the topic, members of a Club, a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), can influence the decisions through their vote, depending on the membership NFTs these members have acquired. In case you want to know more about governance, two months ago the Web3 Report Series was released, which gently introduces the topic.

Going back to the Posts’ voting feature, it has several highlights:

#1 Poll creation

Teams and communities can create a poll with at least 2 and up to 4 choices. Each option can be customizable, so welcome creative!

#2 Time-limited functionality

To prevent voters take decades to exercise their opinion, a time-limited functionality was added. The poll can last one week at its top. A digital clock informs members how much time is left to vote.

#3 Membership restriction

Each poll can be set up to be accessible to a different membership. (e.g., Tier 1 only, Tier 2 + 3, etc.). This characteristic is beneficial when a creator wants to have different benefits for each membership and allows for flexible voting and surveying tailored to each member's level of contribution.



The long-awaited multi-feed is now available with the Posts feature. Keep your Club’s members engaged by sharing aggregated information such as updates, YouTube, media coverage, and activity reports. Probably, you are thinking that this feature may seem just a complement of what has been done so far, but it is powerful as the integration with other platforms enables better brand awareness, among other benefits, as users keep informed through a convenient channel. It also organizes advertising campaigns more effectively as instead of posting the same content multiple times and adapting the content to multiple platforms, a creator only has to do it once!

Here are the highlights of the feature:

#1 Aggregate communication channels

Forget about posting on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and other networks as now you can do it only in Clubs and see how the content is distributed. Teams and communities will have to spend less time thinking about what and how to post on various platforms and spend more time on business operations.

#2 Diverse content to publish and watch

As teams grow, they often become overloaded with information. Multi-feeds allows for the flexible division of feeds, illuminating the potential of communities. Whether the content will be an image, video, or plain text, seamless access to diverse information enables innovation, creativity, and the exchange of ideas on a broader scale.


How to install the plugins?

After signing in to Clubs and setting up your community, you need to:

  • Go to your Clubs dashboard.
  • Click on “Marketplace”.
  • Look for the icon.
  • Add the plug-in for free!

New in Clubs?

Do not worry about it, with these simple steps you can set your Clubs in minutes:

  • Go to the Clubs’ website.
  • Select "Start your Club”.
  • Enter the domain name, basic info, design, and membership (everything is editable except for the domain name).
  • Click "Skip" on the Publish page to complete the account creation

Got questions?

Here is a complete guide that shows you step-by-step how to navigate through Clubs.



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